
Privacy Notice - Ecuador

You have reached the Jile privacy addendum for Ecuador. To go back to the general Jile privacy notice, please click here.

For residents (data subjects) of ECUADOR, when we collect and use personal data (information) about you, we may be subject to the Ecuadorian Local Law that regulates the Protection of Personal Data in Ecuador (ELL) and to responsible as a 'data controller' for such personal data. Below you will find the additional specific provisions applicable to you as a resident within ECUADOR; including your rights to your data as it may be processed by TCS/Jile.

How we will use your personal information

Where the ELL is applicable to TCS/Jile, we are only permitted to process your personal data on the basis of certain legal requirements which are outlined in the applicable legislation. As such, you will find below the valid legal bases which permits us to process your personal data for the fullfilment of one of the below purposes (which are outlined more specifically above in our general notice https://www.jile.io/privacypolicy).

What we may need from you

If you exercise one of the above rights, we may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and that you are entitled to make such a request. This is to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.

Data Protection Officer

We have appointed Data Protection Officers (DPOs) to oversee compliance of TCS/Jile with applicable data protection laws and with this privacy notice. If you have any questions about this privacy notice or how we handle your personal data, please contact the DPO in your region:

Data Protection Officer for LATAM