
Privacy Notice - Argentina

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This document (herein after, the "Privacy Notice") describes the types of personal data that Tata Consultancy Services Argentina S.A. (herein after, "TCS" or "Jile" or "we" or "us") collect collected by different means, how we use your data, with whom we share it and the rights and choices you have available with regards to the use we do of your personal data. We also describe the measures implemented to protect the security and confidentiality of the personal data collected, and the way in which users can contact us to obtain information about our practices on privacy matters.

TCS/Jile, domiciled at Uspallata 3046 Buenos Aires, Argentina, is the responsible for the processing of the personal data.

You expressly, voluntarily, unequivocally and by being informed consent to the inclusion of your personal data, on the databases of TCS/Jile, as well as to the processing of your personal data for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice.


TCS/Jile collect certain data, including your personal data, that is any information through which you can be directly or indirectly identified. To us, your privacy and the security of your information are very important and, therefore, we will request only data that is strictly necessary f. To that end, TCS/Jile may request and process the data listed as follows, not being this list restricted.

TCS/Jile collect certain data, including your personal data, that is any information through which you can be directly or indirectly identified. To us, your privacy and the security of your information are very important and, therefore, we will request only data that is strictly necessary f. To that end, TCS/Jile may request and process the data listed as follows, not being this list restricted.

(i) contact data (such as name and surname, email address, telephone number, among others); and

(ii) a copy of your ID when you exercise your right to access.


The personal data we collect can be used for the following purposes:

- to contact you through different channels for marketing purposes and/or for the sale of TCS/Jile´s goods, events and services and/or from third parties with whom TCS/Jile have a commercial relationship products, events and services.

- to carry out any marketing, publicity and/ market study activities.

- to answer your specific inquiries through the contact channel.

TCS/Jile will retain your personal data as long as necessary to fulfill with the purposes for which they were collected and, as well, for longer terms when permitted or required in accordance to applicable laws.


The personal data we collect can be shared with third parties on the following ways.

We will share that personal data with service suppliers that provide us services and in accordance to our instructions and for the purposes detailed in this document. We do not authorize suppliers to reveal or disclose your personal data unless in those cases that the disclosure is strictly necessary for the provision of the services on our behalf, or to comply with legal obligations.

We will also share your personal data with companies that belongs to our corporate group, that work under our same processes and internal policies, either controlled, controlling companies or TCS/Jile' affiliates, to comply with our internal rules, prevent frauds, manage risks and facilitate the management of TCS/Jile' services and products.

TCS/Jile understands the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and security of all the data that may be collected. Consequently, TCS/Jile is committed to subscribing the necessary agreements to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the personal data. TCS/Jile and those who intervene in any phase of the processing of personal data are obliged to professional secrecy with respect to said data.

Moreover, we may share your personal data (i) if we are obliged to do so by law or in the context of a legal procedure, (ii) to security entities and forces or any other public officials when they legally request the data, (iii) to our legal and accountant advisors, (iv) when we consider that such disclosure is necessary to prevent physical damages or economic loses to TCS/Jile or third parties, or (v) in the context of an internal or external investigation for fraudulent or illegal activities, or that are presumed to be fraudulent or illegal, with public or private authorities, security forces, and third parties that provide us with assistance in the investigation, including but not limited to legal advisors and investigators. Likewise, you authorize us to transfer your personal data in case of the selling or transmission of the whole or part of our assets (including cases of restructuration, dissolution or liquidation).

We will share your information and data as part of any process of fusion, acquisition or sell of assets of TCS/Jile, as well as in case of an unexpected insolvency situation, suspension of payments or bankruptcy in which the data must be transferred as one of TCS/Jile' assets.


The personal data collected may be assigned or transferred to third parties for the compliance of the purposes and in the way established in this Privacy Notice, and for the maintenance or compliance of the relationship between you and TCS/Jile.

Your personal data collected through any manner can be transferred to countries or jurisdictions that may not have the same legislation on data protection as the one existing in Argentina and, therefore, offer less protection, which you understand and consent. When we transfer your personal data to other countries, we will protect them in the way described in this Privacy Notice, implementing safeguards that guarantee an adequate level of protection of the personal data that are transferred outside Argentina.


The data collected will be keep confidential and safe. TCS/Jile will only use the data for the purposes and in the way informed in this Privacy Notice. TCS/Jile complies with the legislation on the protection of personal data and in particular with Law No. 25,326 and its complementary regulations such as, for example, with Resolution No. 47/2018 (herein after, the "Personal Data Protection Legislation"). In order to guarantee the security of the personal data you provide to TCS/Jile, the same criterias and degree of diligence that TCS/Jile apply to the safeguard of its own information, will apply.

Particularly, we adopt administrative, technical, logical and physical security measures designed to protect the personal data that you provide us with or the we collect, from its destruction, loss, alteration, access, communication or accidental, illegal or non-authorized use, to the end of preventing the unauthorized access, maintaining the data accuracy and ensuring the correct use of the personal data that you provide or we collect. In this sense, TCS/Jile has set certain physical, electronical, administrative means and security procedures to safeguard and ensure the personal data we collect online. We safeguard your personal data in accordance to our security standards and proceedings established and we constantly evaluate new technologies to protect that information. TCS/Jile states that its internal process of databases complies with the legal obligations on security and confidentiality imposed by the Personal Data Protection Legislation.

However, you acknowledge that the existing technical means that provide security are not unbreachable, and that even when reasonable security measures are taken, it is possible to suffer manipulations, destruction and/or loss of information. Finally, if you believe that your interaction with us is no longer safe (for example, if you believe that the security of an account you have with us is at risk), immediately notify us of the problem using the communication channels in section 8 "Contact Information".


TCS/Jile presumes, and you guarantee that, the veracity of all the information that is provided by you. Consequently, TCS/Jile does not verify, nor assumes the obligation of verifying the veracity, validity, sufficiency, legality and authenticity of the data that you provide. You assume the responsibility to keep such information updated at all times, for which you may exercise the following rights:

To exercise the access, rectification, update or suppression rights, in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Legislation, you should send an email to: dpo.argentina@tcs.com with copy to dpo.latam@tcs.com, indicating which right you wish to exercise and proving your identity, for example, by sending a digital copy of you ID.

The information you provide will be sorted as long as your relationship with TCS/Jile is in force and, likewise, for the terms necessary to provide the Services and for other legitimate purposes with regards to which TCS/Jile must store your personal data in accordance with applicable legislation.

Your information will also be stored if is required by applicable laws, even when your relationship with TCS/Jile has finished.